
Wild Light Rising is a celebration of light dancing in form. It is my dedication to the art of photography, over a span of two decades. My photography journey started in Finland in the late nineties, when I got my hands on an old film camera. Photography became a daily adventure and a way of exploring the world. It transformed my existence from ordinary into extraordinary, infusing purpose and wonder into my life.

In 2002 I left Finland with a suitcase of clothing, a camera, and a dream to see the world, and landed in San Diego California where I booked my first commercial assignment photographing ballet dancers for a national ad campaign. I taught myself all aspects of photography through hard work, and countless rolls of film. I started out by sharing a studio on the outskirts of Los Angeles, CA, photographing models and actors for agencies and fashion magazine editorials. I learned how to build sets, light complex scenes, and retouch for magazines.

Though I have lived in four countries and over twenty cities, photography has always traveled with me throughout many big life changes and heart opening adventures.

I consider myself a diverse people photographer, with the ability to produce many different types of images and looks - from business headshots to fashion and colorful character portraits.

Portrait photography is a way of telling your story. Whatever life phase you may be in, I hope to be able to capture something that feels meaningful and true, in the moment. My passion as a photographer is rooted in a profound curiosity in the human process. I am honored to have borne witness to many captivating life journeys and transformations through my lens.

With Love, Aleeiah (Leea)


Interview on Canvas Rebel 2024.

Interview on Bold Journey 2023